We have a new website and Name the newsletter

The national HIMSS organization has implemented a new website protocol.  Each chapter will have a new website and URL address. Our new site is:


Hopefully you are as excited as the board is to be reading our very first ever WV HIMSS newsletter.  Since this a communication for you, the members, we’d like to give you a chance to participate in the process by naming the newsletter.  Please submit your suggestions to wv.info@himsschapter.org by September 30, 2014 and we’ll announce the winner at our fall event.

Message from the President

Welcome to the 2014-2015 year of the West Virginia Chapter of HIMSS! I’m excited about our WVHIMSS Board of Directors and Committee Chairs for this fiscal year:

Board of Directors
President: Nathan Gibson
Past President: Aaron Spurlock
Vice President: Christina Moore
Secretary: Kim Clarke
Treasurer: Kathy Moore
Members at Large: 
• Sean Stuntz
• Brad Young
• Dennis Lee
• Jhoni Smith Stephens
• Susan Harrison
• Nate Cantrell

Committee Chairs
Advocacy – Tareva Palmer
Communications – Joe Weber
Membership – Christina Moore
Programming/Education – Sean Stuntz
Sponsorship – David Rapp
Student/Scholarship Program – Dennis Lee

We had a great year during 2013-2014 under Aaron Spurlock’s leadership which saw great improvements in the chapter that included an increase in general and student membership, long term event planning, and the implementation of a scholarship program in which one was awarded during the WVHIMMSS Spring Event. The previous year also involved a combination of events with very informative educational sessions as well as several webinars to help ensure our members have the opportunity to attend in-person and/or virtually.

The events at the Days Inn in Flatwoods, WV as well as Stonewall Resort in Roanoke, WV received positive feedback from our membership and looking forward to new venues, locations, and content this year to help reach others that may not have been able to attend at these locations.

As we look to the new fiscal year that began on July 1, 2014, I’m looking forward to working with all board members, committee chairs, membership, and sponsors to have a great and productive year. We are excited about the upcoming Fall Event at Glade Springs Resort on November 14th and hope to see you there!

Best Regards,

Nathan Gibson
President, WVHIMSS

Member Profile: Carol Myers, OBLH Home Health and Marshall University HIM Student


WVHIMSS is pleased to provide this inaugural member profile of Carol Myers.  Carol is the recipient of the 2014 WVHIMSS Scholarship. 

Carol has over seven years of experience in various aspects of the healthcare industry including, in a skilled nursing facility, home health and outpatient. Currently, she works fulltime at OLBH Home Health as a Physical Therapist QI/QA Assistant.  In this role she performs tasks that are affected by some of the greatest challenges in healthcare today including outcome centric patient care, ICD-9 coding, quality improvement and EHR training.

When not working at OBLH, Carol is a fulltime student at Marshall University pursuing her degree in their MS Health Information program. It was during a class with her instructor Dr. Girmay Berhie that she learned of the WVHIMSS scholarship opportunity.

Putting her degree to work with a focus on data analytics is her goal after graduation.  In the meantime, she's gaining even more professional experience by assisting the WVHIMSS programming committee with the fall event in Glade Springs.

On behalf of the WVHIMSS Board and Members we wish Carol Congratulations and Good Luck!

News from National: Annual Leadership Exchange

On July 16 and 17th the HIMSS National held the annual Leadership Exchange.  This year the event took place in Cleveland at the Global Innovation Center. 

 Four WVHIMSS board members attended, President- Nathan Gibson, Past President- Aaron Spurlock, VP/President Elect- Christina Moore and Secretary – Kim Clarke. Over the day and half event attendees learned key issues that every chapter deals with including Annual Reporting, Tax implications and best practices. 

Upcoming Events

National Health IT Week, Washington, DC      September 15, 2014

Fall Conference, Resort at Glade Springs        November 14, 2014

National HIMSS Conference, Chicago IL         April 12-16, 2015